Saturday, May 25, 2013

Social Network

 The Social Capital its where everyone gets their information from a other individual and vice versa. This system or way of life is a big factor in your lifestyle mostly your career choice. Why did i say career choice i will tell you why because to have a successful career plan you have to have a bigger and stronger social capital. I think the most helpful bubble is the "Feeling of Trust an Safety" because you have to develop some kind of security for that individual in a emotional sense and it shows you care for this individual. So i am saying is show some vulnerable around each person so you can create a social network that can help you with your dream career.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Xbox One Really!!

Next Generation consoles are you gonna get when it comes out in our Winter holidays or you will get it in Spring. I say you shouldn't get it this winter for many of my reasons i don't know what is the price range for these two consoles but they are amazing technological machine better graphics engine built in. A wide range of entertainment tools like watching live television on your system trying to compete with cable companies. What else a few big time gaming companies presenting their new game for the next generation the one i am very intrigued and i think its most interesting games it is Watch Dogs and Destiny those two games will revolutionize the gaming world the next year and amp up the growing opportunity for the gaming enterprise. So their are a lot of very good games coming out the next generation but i say just wait for E4 event in the summer or Comic Con they might present more information about their product and give us a legit price range so we can have a idea so we can save up our money to buy these consoles and be the kid with a new toy on the block lol. Thank you for reading my blog. P.S I don't like the name Xbox One i wanted the name to become Infinity its much cooler name than One.

Hunger Games What!!!

Hunger Games a game where young teenagers fight to the death for FOOOD!!!! LOL. Just kidding its about 12 districts in dystopian kind of future and high officials present a Game where all the participants kill each other and one survives for the entertainment of Higher districts. Why i chose this topic of the blog because the story it self is very entertaining and it can kind of relate to the real world and i like that for example everyone in our society have different "classes" that each people in our growing society their are rich people in our society whether its celebrities, corporate people, or even entrepreneurs and then their is the middle class like for example teachers, social workers, law enforcement then low class of society like big example our homeless people in our country and people who are struggling to maintain a job etc. I just saying that our world will be like Hunger Games without the killing if we still put some kind of system to maintain society in functional order and this movie wouldn't been very good if it was rated R but i knew they wanted to catch the younger audience attendance Thank you reading my blog.