Wednesday, November 28, 2012

DEAF WORLD!!!!!!!!

WHAT is the true meaning being "Deaf" in this world?

Are deaf people "ordinary people"?

Well i went to class seminar in San Diego University (SDSU) with my personal development class and we went to various workshops first we had to go this mandatory workshop/ Speech this workshop it was giving more information this seminar about it was mainly about "Diversity" and in this workshop was giving the similar information that we live in world with alot of different and interesting cultures and traditions not just looking at the color of the skin of any particular human being. The word "Diversity" is has various meanings and definitions and very complex idea. I will talking about brief information about the "deaf culture" it was mine last workshop for our class seminar. YES  deaf culture have same challenges, struggles, trials like every regular or ordinary person.

I explain my feelings and thoughts about the "deaf culture" when i went to this workshop particular i thought it was going be "boring" or "uninteresting". But i was amazed and happy i went to this particular workshop because this workshop gave more information about this growing community of the deaf culture. Because we  i think caught my attention that we learn various greetings in sign language and gave me first something to do in the workshop and how easy to learn some simple body gestures and sign language it was very interesting workshop and very fun in intellectual sense.

Why i showed this image of different various sign languages because we did some of this various sign languages for example number 5 sign language hand sign when u shake it means and correct if i got it wrong it means "I'm Okay" or "I am chilling" . We learn others but that's was example i remember and very diverse culture and i would like do any time when i am "free" from other duties from my daily lifestyle because first it gives something to do and i also think it kinds embrace this deaf culture to flourish in many years to come. I want that most prestigious colleges or institutions should give right tools of service of their born or bought culture that imprinted in lifestyle. Thank you listening my thoughts.

Monday, November 26, 2012


What a game of life?

Life is No Game 

Well I went with my classmates in Personal Development class retreat to one of university i will like to go u guessed its San Diego State University (SDSU). We had to attend to various workshops about how will u success in education career. It also it shows various programs and information about any college academic success schools. I will talk about one of the workshops i attended to and how this particular workshop game was the most impactful for personally and it taught me very important lessen about my life and i will give my changes about this important life lessen
I attended to a particular workshop called the "Game of Life" first i thought we will play a board game and it will be fun so i convince my homies to go with to this workshop and they said Yes because it was the most easy and interesting workshop. So we chilled for while to wait for the workshop to open and first the presenter made us line up next to workshop and he will give these slips of paper and he posted on our shirts and each slip was written in letters for example (A,M) or (I). I got (A,R,M) on my chest and i was given money, two jobs, and got the best Universitys like for example Ivy league school like Princeton or Harvard and the presenter was the "city cop" and he will pampered me like for example if somebody who wasn't rich was touching me or bothering me he will ask if u want this particular person to jail. Tell the Truth i was laughing my ass off and my friends were getting bad or no jobs, some my friends were going to jail frequently it was funny because there expression was "classic". I will get options to buy a mansion i will not buy because i just wanted a normal house and two apartments. But i didn't have alot options i liked for example "charity for your particular religion" i get to that later. Then the game was over and we sat in one big circle and talk about your experiences in the game of life.
So we talked about our particular experiences and when it was my turn i told my classmates that i given this much money and education opportunities or had this "Power" but i had two jobs and had the educated degree and spend less things like for example a house and two apartments but still had way more money in my pocket. I wanted in my subconscious mind to spend it for my people like for me i wanted to spend on my  Somalia people and help them out of their struggles. I also wanted to contribute or give charity to my religion for me its Islam. I notice about me that "money" is not happiness for me because its a need for crucial items like for example food, security, etc.You why i like life and its very interesting because u found something "new" about every day. So when i do crucial or eventful problems in your life you should question yourself why u did u put that particular solution for example for a reward or something else. I just expressing my thoughts about "Life" in general because its a interesting topic talk about to yourself and your peers.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

N-Word Has Value

I will talk about word "nigger" or new generation "nigga" 
I also will talk about why this word no value even though i am 

 In our communication class we had to write a few speech topics like for example "what is affirmative action, to whats the true meaning of "color blind", and finally what is the word "nigger" or "nigga" mean to you using all the topics by researching articles that support these topics. Also your opinion about these few topics using  personal experiences. Well i talked about the word of "nigger" and "nigga" using articles and using personal experiences i will define these two version of the word "nigger" and "nigga"

I will define the word "nigger" it meaning is probably the most offensive word in English dictionary. Its degree of offensiveness has increased markedly in recent years, and also one of the top profanity words in world according to English definition. Then new generation of N-word called "nigga" its meaning is word used by blacks to maintain racial separation and dwell on events over one hundred years ago". I will talk about word "nigga" is way of connecting to other people and word i will talk in brief about the "nigger" how its nasty word not the word "nigga"
Well tell you about myself well i am black but i wasn't born in U.S i was originally from Somalia but i was born in Europe and i know and i love all kinds of natural history around the world. I use the word "nigga" as a friendly informal conversation to a friends or family and i know what i am saying but i am not saying hateful manner. To me "people in general put more power in "nigga" and that's is big problem to me because its just word "nigga" it has no value or substance. Rappers that i listen and love for example Tupac to Ice Cube use word "nigga" to express there own self-thoughts using to connect to people who understand there life struggles.
So for my conclusion for this controversial topic called "nigga". I am just talking about my own opinion about the word "nigga" . I will say brief information about "nigger' its sound like a bad word its has hurtful taste in your mouth. So i say not to use the word "nigger" and use word "nigga" as a friendly informal conversation. So i will like the readers do little activity and say the word "nigga" for 100 times and loses its meaning and value.