Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Do the "Harlem Shake"

This is the "Real Harlem Shake" this picture is so funny. But people are overreacting to this popular trend across the whole U.S. In my opinion people are just having fun, and creating their own unique ways even though it involves stupid ways to dance. It is a of expressing your "inner crazy" in a positive way. In these videos of the so called Harlem Shake we see a way of connecting to the whole social media trend that is storming the U.S and everywher. Everyone one in U.S, young and old are doing the mass popular trend, and expressing all their "stress" of work or school, so everyone can laugh and have a fun time. The summary relevance is that video of Harlem people from Harlem are mad or disappointed at the trend and popularity of Harlem Shake, and they it is making fun of their culture of "Harlem", but I think it just people having fun. Plus the video of the Harlem people talking about their ideas of "Harlem Shake" are mad because these people don't know the real struggle of Harlem Renaissance and don't really understand their culture of Harlem Shake. My question is how do they know if these specific people are making fun of the Harlem Shake, you don't know if they know about the history of Harlem and they just having fun with their friends and colleagues and expressing their own unique way of dancing and goofing off to the camera.
I like this picture of "Street Racing Harlem Shake" it goes to a particular crowd of "cultured people" its just fun thing to do with friends, companions, and colleagues.  It is not a insult to the Harlem people who live at the area of Harlem Renaissance it just a "fad" or "trend" that people caught a grasp of it by the uses of media.
This picture shows the "Real Harlem Shake" from Harlem , New York. The rest of picture represents "Comedic Mockery Harlem Shake" . But my opinion it own uniqueness of this Harlem Shake trend is own "style" and "fun"

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