Sunday, March 24, 2013

Multiple Personality

 I will discussed my personality type and why we should be at least know what personality type is best suited for you. They are two personality types called "Extrovert" and "Introvert" you are placed in the survey/ quiz the The survey is called "MBTI". The definition of Extrovert is a person who get his or her "energy" from other people and like to think out loud for example if you are in class majority of people of "Extroverts" will raise their hand even though they don't know the answer they will still provide their own "answer'. Other hand "Introverts" are people who like to recharge their "energy" in some secluded place for example like your house you probably will like to mediate, pray, relax somewhere you are "comfortable" by yourself also other example of a "Introvert' is a person who likes to think of the problem or issue and take some time on that subject or topic. So can you guess my Personality Type? It is................
Yup i am best suited as "Introvert" personality type. I already knew that personality is "Introvert" type but i never knew there was a "test" that places your "personality type". So i wasn't surprised of the results i was intrigued or interesting that there is a test of your personality type you present in your "society". Introverts does not mean you are "shy" it means you are "quiet" you like to think things through like a process. Plus science tells us that best personal "relationships" are people who have different "personality types" for example if i am a strong Introvert personality type the best suited girl for me will be pretty strong "Extrovert personality type' that is best suited relationship by results of science. Because i seen happy couples who have the same personality types and still have a productive and happy relationship with each other.

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