Sunday, March 24, 2013

Miniature Earth

 I will like to discussed the miniature earth has better meaning to the ryan higa video thats about "First World Problems". If you watch the Miniature Earth video it has better and more heartfilling video. Because when you watch this video it starts out with sad and ominous music so you can listen and be more connected to the world problems. It also shows pictures of people struggling through hard times of their lives for example it shows malnourished African kids who on the streets scavenging for food and other sad pictures like the example i explain. Its shows statistics who has the most money to the people who has the less money basically poor. I mean "Third World Poor" they suffer starvation and hunger.
This is one of scenes of the Ryan Higa "First World Problems" this video shows that people who live in Western society are "too spoiled" in the luxuries of Western philosophy or culture they don't appreciate what they have and still want more of those desires and luxuries. So Ryan Higa video shows that people who believe and live in Western philosophy should be grateful for what you have because other people across the globe are suffering more than you are. Try to be "More Humble" of the stuff that you have in your possession because you don't that your things can be very helpful for somebody who really needs that particular "possession".

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