Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fighting Identities

Is "self" a living thing?
Are we gonna find our "identity" over time or not?

We talked in our English class about Self v. Identity, well this topic is complex and very interesting because "people" think "identity" is a thing you born with and "Self" is what you develop over time. I will tell you the concrete definition of "Self" and "Identity" and i give my opinion about this two topics and give few examples about this topic by using my life experience.
"Self"  has different definitions i tell you the philosophy definition first its "Self can be considered that being which is the source of consciousness", the religion definition is " Self is ego, also called the learned, superficial  self of mind and body. My opinion for "Self" is so many and this two definition a very good, but i believe in "Self" to be "spiritual" to me because i grew up in family who had "religion" in our enviornment and my religion is Islam and we do pray 5 times to maintain our "Self" to be "pure" and my prayers keep me "mind" pure like for example if you are studying a tough chemistry test and u still don't really get the information i ask my (God) Allah to ease my "mind" and i will pray. There are different opinions in "Self" but this my opinion and this makes our world unique.
Identity has alot of versions or different topics that relate to "identity"  tell you two definitions the first one is " The process of the development of distinct personality of an individual. Other definition is "Identity principle of logic stating that an object is the same as itself. My opinion about of identity i think its development through years of 6 yrs to 10 yrs why i said this time because children grab information much faster then adults and they ask questions to the adults and to "themselves" meaning they get these thoughts whether its bad or good they try to find the solution. I also i can say it can be there enviorment, but the most impact i think is the children "role models" because they want to follow there particular "role models" and trying making them notice them
This picture is very interesting because this pic is very good definition of Self v. Identity. We have to try still find out "who we are really" to this world. Because i think people are scared to find there "true selfs" because everyday you wake in morning you should think why i chose this personality and thinking where will i go when i to Hereafter it keeps your mind sharp. YOU JUST TRY IT  and you find something different everyday.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Glasses Half Full

I am looking in glass that's full of "black"
Is perception is only thing we look at in this world!

We talked in our Communication 103 about "looking glass self" and "perception" because these two topics relate to "identity" and i want tell concrete definition of these topics and i will talk about few examples of topic and my views about this topic
This nice looking of  picture of "perception" huh! Well concrete definition of "perception" is organization, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. My meaning of perception is if you wear certain type of clothing for example that u don't act or like what certain bad clothing. Other example i believe this picture is very hot because i am male but its doesn't make me a rapist because i am male and i am single haha it because i am attracted to this picture, and i also don't think if certain women wear some "slutting clothing" makes them hoes or sluts it just they are expressing their identity and also they have different ideas. That's what people do is first look and sprout their dirty or good ideas but u wouldn't know the truth just by looking you and i have to ask why, how etc.
Well this is a funny picture of the "looking glass self".  Looking-glass self means that person self grows out of society interpersonal interactions and the perceptions of others that's concrete definition of this topic. My meaning is when people talk about what the Pros and Cons of your clothing for example and u take those ideas or opinions and try to change it to the liking of the society. Other example when i was around my middle school years i used to be very cute fat kid and my cousins, nieces, nephews will clown on me about my weight at that time and it hurt it me sometimes but i took that criticism and i improve by losing weight it started around my 9th grade because i started to play football and also the wrestling team. I also can thank them because they care of my weight and they didn't want the society around other than my family to mock me of make fun of me so i am grateful.
I like this picture of this lion looking in her reflection and makes me wonder that if she surprise of her identity or  amazed. Well these topics relate to identity and i really want expressed my opinions and feelings about these two topics because there very interesting topics to discuss. This pictures makes me think when u look in a mirror you can find a different perspective about yourself.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ice, Ice, Baby

What is true entertainment? Is entertainment our hidden desire? Well we wrote reaction paper in our English class and its about writing your choice of musicians. I alot of favorite musicians in entertainment industry but i picked to talk about rap legend Ice Cube and song that i reacted and wrote about was called "Hood Mentality" is one my favorites songs from Ice Cube. Brief summary from Ice cube he is from famous rap group in 80s called NWA, even though i wasn't born in 80s. I am orignally born in 90s so back in to topic. This song got me in the trend to listen in Hip Hop and Rap music. It started in 6th grade that i first heard rap or hip hop music even though i am Somolian African American and one of my best friends in middle school gave his mp3 and he said and i quote " Ice Cube is tightest rapper of all time", when i heard it first i said of course he is. So entertainment of music change or even create my choice of music genre.
 I will explaining about true entertainment in my opinion. I think it started with Greek society using music, philosophy, and culture. Even philosophers in that time said and i quote "music expresses your true self" and other quote "music takes all the pain from your lifetime and cures it". Well entertainment can express your feelings for example i was listening to some of music from my Somolian race and it was speaking in our language and it hit personally because i notice all the struggles of my race and challenges they face i almost cried. So entertainment can be cultural spiritually impact to life because, entertainment can be all different forms from tribal dances, to even in movies.
Is entertainment our hidden desire? I say a big fat YES why because entertainment gets us connected to whole world for example world news channels tells us if their is a crisis in our world or incoming danger to community or city. But entertainment can be a bad influence to world for example these "street gangs" all over the U.S are influence by music industry in specific genre of music called Rap and Hip Hop because they idolize these rappers talking about killing for the hood or committing murders. It fuels there ignorant minds to do the same to become mindless puppets. If music industry "brainwashing" the younger generation of this brutality they control them psychology. So i just saying my opinion about this topic but this is growing problem in whole world.
Well my conclusion is our entertainment is our source of POWER to human race whether its culturally, spiritually, or even just for fun. Its impacts your and mine life's drastically so try to maintain your desire of entertainment and learn more of your root history because that completes you more, you also think of entertainment filling your gaps of your identity. Just don't let entertainment change you u are That's All.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stop, Read, Listen

Do you listen? How do you listen? Well i will tell some listening skills that people use in there daily lives.
Well i wrote notes in our Communication Class about some listening skills use in our lifestyles there are three skills people acquired its Pseudo Listening, Selective Listening, and Defensive Listening. I will tell you the definitions of these skills and examples supporting these skills.

Pseudo Listening means your distracted and hard concentrating listening. For example i live in house of girls, meaning the majority of my household more girls than guys i have around 7 sisters and only one brother so its a lively household.  So back to topic they will talk about there day during dinner and i will get distracted or act like i am listening to there girl problems and sometimes its ok for like these conversation but not do, for example don't do Pseudo Listening in job interview or your boss giving you a assignment, you might not get job or fired
Selective Listening means when you only listen specific details. For example of selective listening is when my mom tells me about the "bills" for the house and she also talks about her personal life i listen because my mom is single mom and i am only big brother in house and she wants a male perspective of her life i really listen because i tell her i make better for her so i try to pay some "bills" for house so i can ease her mind you know. Those are important details that i notice and its kind of rewarding for me because i am making my mom happy.
Defensive Listening means is when people take innocent comments as personal attacks. Its probable that defensive listeners suffer from unstable self- image and avoid facing this by projecting their own insecurities onto others. For example of defensive listening is when my cousin makes fun of me and i take personal because i dated is ex- girlfriend and he found out by his friend and got mad because i didn't told him that i was dating his ex-girlfriend and he gave some comments that made me mad and sad. So i avoided him about few weeks and talked to him said i am sorry cousin we are family so shouldn't hate each other for a girl and he agreed so we are cool. Defensive listening is tough but you take when a love talks to you like that but if its stranger you can talk back or beat his ass just playing.
This is a funny pic of Dawson Creek huh? Why i did i talk about these listening skills because all people have these skills but depends on you personally because some people are stronger in pseudo listening skills then selective listening and vice-versa. I believe i am stronger in selective listening but pseudo listening comes close second haha. So i tell you one more question what your favorite listening skill?