Thursday, October 25, 2012

Glasses Half Full

I am looking in glass that's full of "black"
Is perception is only thing we look at in this world!

We talked in our Communication 103 about "looking glass self" and "perception" because these two topics relate to "identity" and i want tell concrete definition of these topics and i will talk about few examples of topic and my views about this topic
This nice looking of  picture of "perception" huh! Well concrete definition of "perception" is organization, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. My meaning of perception is if you wear certain type of clothing for example that u don't act or like what certain bad clothing. Other example i believe this picture is very hot because i am male but its doesn't make me a rapist because i am male and i am single haha it because i am attracted to this picture, and i also don't think if certain women wear some "slutting clothing" makes them hoes or sluts it just they are expressing their identity and also they have different ideas. That's what people do is first look and sprout their dirty or good ideas but u wouldn't know the truth just by looking you and i have to ask why, how etc.
Well this is a funny picture of the "looking glass self".  Looking-glass self means that person self grows out of society interpersonal interactions and the perceptions of others that's concrete definition of this topic. My meaning is when people talk about what the Pros and Cons of your clothing for example and u take those ideas or opinions and try to change it to the liking of the society. Other example when i was around my middle school years i used to be very cute fat kid and my cousins, nieces, nephews will clown on me about my weight at that time and it hurt it me sometimes but i took that criticism and i improve by losing weight it started around my 9th grade because i started to play football and also the wrestling team. I also can thank them because they care of my weight and they didn't want the society around other than my family to mock me of make fun of me so i am grateful.
I like this picture of this lion looking in her reflection and makes me wonder that if she surprise of her identity or  amazed. Well these topics relate to identity and i really want expressed my opinions and feelings about these two topics because there very interesting topics to discuss. This pictures makes me think when u look in a mirror you can find a different perspective about yourself.

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