Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stop, Read, Listen

Do you listen? How do you listen? Well i will tell some listening skills that people use in there daily lives.
Well i wrote notes in our Communication Class about some listening skills use in our lifestyles there are three skills people acquired its Pseudo Listening, Selective Listening, and Defensive Listening. I will tell you the definitions of these skills and examples supporting these skills.

Pseudo Listening means your distracted and hard concentrating listening. For example i live in house of girls, meaning the majority of my household more girls than guys i have around 7 sisters and only one brother so its a lively household.  So back to topic they will talk about there day during dinner and i will get distracted or act like i am listening to there girl problems and sometimes its ok for like these conversation but not do, for example don't do Pseudo Listening in job interview or your boss giving you a assignment, you might not get job or fired
Selective Listening means when you only listen specific details. For example of selective listening is when my mom tells me about the "bills" for the house and she also talks about her personal life i listen because my mom is single mom and i am only big brother in house and she wants a male perspective of her life i really listen because i tell her i make better for her so i try to pay some "bills" for house so i can ease her mind you know. Those are important details that i notice and its kind of rewarding for me because i am making my mom happy.
Defensive Listening means is when people take innocent comments as personal attacks. Its probable that defensive listeners suffer from unstable self- image and avoid facing this by projecting their own insecurities onto others. For example of defensive listening is when my cousin makes fun of me and i take personal because i dated is ex- girlfriend and he found out by his friend and got mad because i didn't told him that i was dating his ex-girlfriend and he gave some comments that made me mad and sad. So i avoided him about few weeks and talked to him said i am sorry cousin we are family so shouldn't hate each other for a girl and he agreed so we are cool. Defensive listening is tough but you take when a love talks to you like that but if its stranger you can talk back or beat his ass just playing.
This is a funny pic of Dawson Creek huh? Why i did i talk about these listening skills because all people have these skills but depends on you personally because some people are stronger in pseudo listening skills then selective listening and vice-versa. I believe i am stronger in selective listening but pseudo listening comes close second haha. So i tell you one more question what your favorite listening skill?

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