Friday, October 19, 2012

Ice, Ice, Baby

What is true entertainment? Is entertainment our hidden desire? Well we wrote reaction paper in our English class and its about writing your choice of musicians. I alot of favorite musicians in entertainment industry but i picked to talk about rap legend Ice Cube and song that i reacted and wrote about was called "Hood Mentality" is one my favorites songs from Ice Cube. Brief summary from Ice cube he is from famous rap group in 80s called NWA, even though i wasn't born in 80s. I am orignally born in 90s so back in to topic. This song got me in the trend to listen in Hip Hop and Rap music. It started in 6th grade that i first heard rap or hip hop music even though i am Somolian African American and one of my best friends in middle school gave his mp3 and he said and i quote " Ice Cube is tightest rapper of all time", when i heard it first i said of course he is. So entertainment of music change or even create my choice of music genre.
 I will explaining about true entertainment in my opinion. I think it started with Greek society using music, philosophy, and culture. Even philosophers in that time said and i quote "music expresses your true self" and other quote "music takes all the pain from your lifetime and cures it". Well entertainment can express your feelings for example i was listening to some of music from my Somolian race and it was speaking in our language and it hit personally because i notice all the struggles of my race and challenges they face i almost cried. So entertainment can be cultural spiritually impact to life because, entertainment can be all different forms from tribal dances, to even in movies.
Is entertainment our hidden desire? I say a big fat YES why because entertainment gets us connected to whole world for example world news channels tells us if their is a crisis in our world or incoming danger to community or city. But entertainment can be a bad influence to world for example these "street gangs" all over the U.S are influence by music industry in specific genre of music called Rap and Hip Hop because they idolize these rappers talking about killing for the hood or committing murders. It fuels there ignorant minds to do the same to become mindless puppets. If music industry "brainwashing" the younger generation of this brutality they control them psychology. So i just saying my opinion about this topic but this is growing problem in whole world.
Well my conclusion is our entertainment is our source of POWER to human race whether its culturally, spiritually, or even just for fun. Its impacts your and mine life's drastically so try to maintain your desire of entertainment and learn more of your root history because that completes you more, you also think of entertainment filling your gaps of your identity. Just don't let entertainment change you u are That's All.

1 comment:

  1. i like how you was honest and really gave your opinion about what type of music you like. i also like ice cube and my favorite song is today was a good day.
